LinkedIn restricted accounts- reasons and solutions

All about LinkedIn restricted accounts

Has LinkedIn restricted your account?

Looking for 'What to do if LinkedIn restricted my account' or 'LinkedIn restricted accounts'? Then this post is for you.I have gone through this situation. I will tell you all about LinkedIn's Restricted accounts- types, reasons and solutions.

A month ago, I was on LinkedIn and when I refreshed my feed, I was logged out. When I tried to log back in, I was redirected to a webpage that explained my account was now restricted.

why did LinkedIn restrict my account

You should know there are more than one type of restriction. The two (I know) may occur:
  • Your account could be temporarily restricted, in which case you’ll be notified about the exact time when the restriction will be lifted.

linkedin restricted my account
  • Your account could be permanently restricted, in which you’ll be asked to provide an ID or passport online to remove the restriction.

Why do LinkedIn restrict accounts?

LinkedIn restricts accounts because of violation of terms and conditions laid out, which we ignore when signing up. Below are some reasons where your account can get restricted:
  • You just created your account partially and sent a huge list of invitations in a shorter span of time.
  • Majority of invite requests get marked as I don't know this person.
  • LinkedIn might have validated your account/profile information and suspected that you are not representing a real individual.
reasons of LinkedIn restricted accounts

  • You might have sent unprofessional messages like dating, etc.
  • If your profile gets reported/blocked your LinkedIn connections indicating it as a scam.
  • Your account will be permanently restricted when LinkedIn asks you to submit any government identity proof and you fail to prove that you are the actual owner of the account.

What to do if your account gets restricted?

When my LinkedIn account got restricted, I searched everywhere for solutions of  'LinkedIn Restricted accounts' and asked my friend about this and finally got some ways to make my account unrestricted. I’m sharing the way I followed to make my account unrestricted:
  • To verify your account, LinkedIn asks you to upload a scan of your personal ID card, or a passport. You can not get around this step, if you want your account back. I feel it's not pleasant to give out such information, but LinkedIn assures us that it's safe. After verifying my account with my personal ID card, my account got unrestricted within 3-4 days and I was finally able to login to my LinkedIn account.
what to do if LinkedIn restricted your account
  • The other way is that my friend told me is that you can contact the LinkedIn support. Explain your case there, be honest and tell them if you created new accounts. Someone from the support team will contact you shortly, to let you know that the restriction has been lifted. They might also ask you to shut down the new account, do that.

LinkedIn believe that the network will work more effectively for all users if people only connect to those that they know. Violate LinkedIn's guidelines to make  your account a 'LinkedIn Restricted account'.

We hope this solved your problem. You can comment if you know other ways of doing it.
You also can see our post about changing Facebook account's password.
