Instagram Account Blocked: How to Recover?

Instagram account blocked- how to recover
Got your Instagram Account blocked? No problem, I will explain the reasons and solutions for it. Imagine the following situation. You created an account on Instagram and kept investing a lot of time and creativity or sometimes, even money on it.

After some time, you are very happy: your account has a lot of interesting and unique content, and a number of followers. But your happiness didn’t last long. One day, while opening your Instagram, you saw a notification explaining that you have been blocked by Instagram. And the fact that makes you crazy is that Instagram doesn't even tell the reason for the ban.

Why Instagram Blocked my account?

Reason #1: Mass Liking or Mass Following/Unfollowing

Instagram doesn't like if you someone tries to get too many followers or likes at a time. Instagram will block that account for sure. No matter if you have used a third-party app or had done manual actions for this.
You might have noticed some spammers that followed you and after some time, unfollowed you. Most of these spammers get blocked by Instagram as this is against their guidelines. I have experienced these spammers on my account. Some limits laid down by Official Instagram Reference:
  • Maximum number of likes/hour: 60
  • Maximum number of comments/hour: 60
  • Maximum number of follows/unfollows per hour: 60
But if your account is new, then:
  • Maximum number of likes/hour: 20
  • Maximum number of comments/hour: 20
  • Maximum number of follows/unfollows per hour: 20
Important note: Instagram changes the number of follows and unfollows regularly. In total, you will get banned if you take more than 1440 action per day. Spread your actions accordingly to this number. Instagram will surely ban you for violating its rules. You will not be able to like, comment, follow or DM for some time (from an hour to 2 weeks).

Instagram account blocked

Reason #2: Copyright Violation

You might have heard about copyright issues on Instagram, Right? Then, what’s the consequence of ignoring the copyright rules? The actual author/owner can report your account to Instagram for using their photo without their agreement or specifying the authorship and you can be blocked for copyright infringement (violation). Ignore Copyright rules to get your Instagram account blocked.
So how can you avoid this problem?
  • All images have to be yours or allowed by the author.
  • If you want to share/use someone else’s image, tag the author in the image (if they have an Instagram account) and give credit to the author in the description.
  • If you want to use someone else’s image for commercial purposes, you have to ask the author’s permission.
And one more thing: If you post a video with music to which you don’t have the rights then Instagram will remove that post for sure.

Reason #3: Aggressively Frequent Posts

Instagram has its own algorithms which monitors the frequency of posts of accounts. But only Instagram knows the exact and safest number of posts is. Therefore, I would advise you not to publish too many posts per day to keep this problem away from your account.
Measures you can take to avoid this problem:
  • The ideal advice is to make pauses between posts. By doing this, you can save your account from being considered as spamming and other manipulations.
  • Also, I recommend you not to publish the same image/video from different accounts.

Reason #4: Content Violating Social Network Rules:

Instagram can ban you for sharing inappropriate content like Naked bodies, sexual content, violence. Whatever your intention is, posting such content can get your account blocked by Instagram- so don’t share such content. This will surely make your Instagram account blocked.

Reason #5: Using Different Devices and IPs To Login

If you log into your account using multiple devices by confirming it via SMS, then the chances for a ban is less. But, if you log in from different devices and IPs, Instagram may think your account has been hacked. In this case, Instagram will immediately block the profile for your own safety.

Reason #6: Complaint or Report by User

Someone can ‘report’ your account for reasons which will make your Instagram account blocked like:
  • Mass Liking
  • Mass Following
  • Insult/offensive content
  • Spam
  • Inappropriate content
If there are few persons who have reported your account, then Instagram will Sooner or after some time, block your account. So, don’t do actions that i have mentioned above if you don’t want your Instagram account blocked.

How To Recover Your Blocked Account?

Oops, you got blocked for a reason you don’t even know. You might have searched for 'Solutions for Instagram Blocked Account' everywhere like crazy. I also have experienced this situation and was crazy too to get my account back. And I followed some steps that helped me to recover my Account that I’m sharing with you.

Instagram account blocked

Like I said, if you have been temporarily blocked, several actions will be restricted for you (such as- like and comment). Don’t do any actions like these for some time and your account will be fine as earlier.
But the serious deal is when you have been permanently blocked or disabled. Instagram has the right to block users without warning them for violating their Community Guidelines or Terms of Use. Make sure you read both carefully.
When trying to log into your account, you’ll get a notification saying:

Instagram account blocked

If you see the following message, click at "Learn more".
  1. Then, there will be a message from Instagram and at the bottom, click on "Let us know" to tell that your profile was disabled by mistake.
  2. Then, there will be a new question to specify whether this is a commercial or personal page. Though you have a business account, choose "Yes".
  3. Fill out the form. To restore a business account, specify your full name, Instagram username and the email address.
  4. Also, Instagram will ask you to attach a document that proves your ownership/relationship to the business/company. Examples of such documents are your registration certificate, local license, confirmation of a domain name registration, etc.
  5. Click “Send” and wait for the email! The answer will come soon, usually within 1-2 business days.
Some users might get disappointed as Instagram does not reveal the reason for the ban. You can only guess as the exact reason is only known by the Instagram Team. I think this will help you to recover your blocked Instagram account.
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  1. Aukayyy. Now I Know How How It Gets Blocked Again and Again

    1. It happens when you extend your daily action limits. If you do this daily, your account will get permanently blocked, which you can't recover.


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